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  • Visual Arts
  • Music
  • Theater
  • Athletics
  • Technology
  • Spiritual Formation
  • Character Development
  • Clubs


ICSU offers a variety of activities and programs to satisfy student interests, cultivate and expand skills, and extend learning beyond the classroom. School and education should involve the total development of the child, engaging their passions and talents as well as their intellect. Attending to students’ holistic development prepares them for real-world realities and successful futures.


Students are presented with an opportunity to explore and develop their artistic talents in a number of areas. Classes are offered that enable students to engage in a variety of visual mediums as well as musical ones (vocal & instrumental). While classes are not yet offered in drama or acting, ICSU is in the initial stages of adding theatrical productions to its overall performing arts program.


The mission of International Christian School Uijeongbu (ICSU) athletics is to employ competitive sports to develop within our students, not just physical prowess, but the depth of faith, strength of Christ-like character and skills of leadership required for a life that honors and exalts God.

We coach our athletes to compete, persevere, function as a team, and glorify God. Honor and respect are more important than wins and losses. The dual significance of character education and personal growth makes our athletic program an essential component of education at ICSU.

Fall sports: Boys and Girls Volleyball; Cross-country

Winter Sports: Boys and Girls Basketball; Cheerleading

Spring Sports: Boys and Girls Soccer


Being well aware of the significance, importance, and benefits of technology, ICSU has established a 1:1 program that provides a computer for each student in the school. This is primarily done through the use of Chromebooks.

Technology at ICSU is not simply an upscale replacement for textbooks, whiteboards, paper notebooks, and pencils. The goal is to teach students to use technology to enhance their learning and not just to replace one tool for another. We want students to know why and when to use technology in a way that expands their academic and intellectual development.

ICSU provides a dependable wireless network with sufficient bandwidth for fast, reliable access to digital learning resources. Our technology department endeavors to give students opportunities to explore STEM-related projects and assignments where they can utilize problem-solving skills related to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

Spiritual Formation

As a Christian school focused on students’ spiritual formation and their development and growth in Jesus Christ, each of our school divisions (elementary, middle, and high school) has a weekly Chapel service that all students attend.These chapels are coordinated by our school Chaplain and include student-lead praise and worship along with Scripturally-based teaching or preaching.  

Bible is a core subject in each of our classes and a biblical worldview is at the heart of the curriculum for all subjects taught at ICSU. Additionally, we hold an annual Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) for all of our students and, when time and conditions permit it, we also have yearly spiritual retreats for our secondary students.

Character Development

As an offshoot of our efforts to nurture students’ spiritual formation, a strong emphasis is placed schoolwide on service to both our local and global community. Character development is focused on the school’s core values, all of which point to a life of compassion, self-sacrifice, and service to others. We believe so strongly in students’ character development and the importance of stewardship, love, and service that part of our graduation requirement is the completion of 20-30 hours of community service for each year of high school attendance.

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Student clubs and organizations give students a means to pursue those areas and interests which are not typically found in an academic school setting. These clubs and organizations enhance the school experience, encourage involvement in the school community, and heighten development as initiators and leaders. Opportunities offered cover a wide range of fields: student government, technology, arts, honor society, service, and more.


The best way to experience what we have to offer at International Christian School Uijeongbu is to visit our campus and meet our spectacular staff, faculty, and students.  Schedule a tour at ICSU today!

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